Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sissy Keeping Watch Over Cocoa

Via Flickr:
Sissy was very sweet throughout the photoshoot. Sissy was very tolerant of us as we watched and admired this gorgeous foal she delivered earlier in the day. Sissy would voice a low sound to her foal, communicating her presence and nurturing reassurance.

The other horses on the farm, knew something was going on in the barn. They sensed a foal was born. The horses kept coming to the barn door wanting to come in and see the foal. One horse was allowed to come in and eat in it's stall, and then was returned to the corral. Sissy was getting a little anxious with the horses nearing the barn door.

1 comment:

Julie G. said...

Sissy is such a loving, protective mom. Love the legs on precious Cocoa! Beautiful creatures!